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Jin Dejun: Land is the Vital Problem in the Urbanization Process
时间:2015-06-29 14:38:08  来源:城市化杂志  作者:Jin Dejun 

  former Chief Engineer of MOC, Director of CIUDSRC

  Distinguished Deputy Ministers Hu Cunzhi and Qi Ji, respected experts and scholars, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

  On this sunny day, we are here at the Diaoyuatai State Guesthouse, to welcome “The Eighth China Urbanization International Summit”. Coincidentally, I remember that just eight years ago, CIUDSRC was established here. For eight years, CIUDSRC has been adhering to the principle of developing on the aspect of research study and social public opinions, providing reference and advice for the government. CIUDSRC has established Urbanization, the monthly magazine and CIUDSRC.com and hosted various forums and research panel discussions, it has also provided an interactive platform for member committees, related social experts and scholars as well as the government to share resources, cooperate and realize the win-win goal.

  Urbanization is an extremely complicated issue, especially in China, compared with other countries in the world, the issues in no other countries are more complicated than those of ours. Among the numerous complicated issues, how could we utilize the lands? How could we utilize the lands effectively and scientifically? The lands mentioned here refer to both the urban and rural lands. And this has really been one of the most significant issues in the promotion process of scientific urbanization development, therefore, this summit is entitled New-type Urbanization and Land Utilization, so I hope you could exchange ideas and discuss on this issue.

  Today, Hu CunzhiDeputy Director of CIUDSRC and, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Land and Resources, is going to deliver a special report on this issue, and experts, scholars as well as institutions are going to comment. Meanwhile, we are going to recommend several related cases for you to study.

  Besides the special report by Deputy Minister Hu Cunzhi, the MOHURD is also concerned about work done by CIUDSRC. Therefore, Deputy Minister Qi Ji has attended the conference to supervise, and we have exchanged opinions with experts in the VIP room before the conference. Their advice has enlightened us on our further urbanization promotion. Today, we are honored to welcome the representatives from Beijing and other regions nationwide, and we have invited numerous international experts and scholars in the field of urbanization to discuss issues in the development process of China's urbanization.

  The summit of this year has gained the support from institutions like UNDP, China- Europe Forum and the European Chamber, and all over the country. I firmly believe that today's summit will be a grand meeting for the exchanges of academic communications and ideas.

  Latter, Deputy Minister Hu is going to deliver a keynote speech entitled “How to Promote Economical and Intensive Land Utilization in the Process of New-type Urbanization”, another keynote speech entitled “Several Thoughts on Promoting the Capital New Urbanization and the Collective Construction Land Intensive Utilization” will be delivered by Director Guo Guanglei, and Ms. Samantha Anderson from the UNDP is going to talk about “Effect of Land Right Lssues and Women's Right Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region on China” in her special report, and we also have the case communications and award activities. I believe that these professional researches and communications will benefit  orderly and scientific development of the urbanization promotion, and excellent advice will be proposed about it.
Finally, I wish our summit a great success! Thank you!!

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