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Devoted to Building China Urbanization Think Tank
时间:2015-06-29 10:40:12  来源:城市化杂志  作者:Cai Yihong 

  Winner of the Nobel Economics Prize, Stiglitz, has predicted: China's urbanization and new technological revolution led by the US will be two major events impacting humans in the 21st century. Today, this prediction is coming true, and China's urbanization is becoming the focus of the world.

  In fact, the urban disease brought by rapid urbanization development is plaguing the entire world, polluted air, crowded traffic, worrying security and abnormally high house prices ... This is an inevitable problem in the global urbanization process. Therefore, where will China's urbanization go from here?

  Eight years ago, Jin Dejun, former Deputy Director of Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Construction, realized that urbanization will become China's national strategy. Under his leadership, shouldering the historical mission, China International Urbanization Development Strategy Research Committee (hereinafter referred to Urbanization Committee or CIUDSRC) was officially established in Beijing! This is the first non-governmental organization in the field of China's urbanization, and it is under the guidance of Science and Technology Committee of MOHURD, Ministry of Science and Technology Advisory Committee, combining government, industry, academia, research, funding, media and other resources, with 15 professional subordinated committees of Sustainable Urban Development, Healthy City, Low-Carbon City and Intelligent Community, Urban Renewal and Development (Park) Area Transition, Urban Amenity and Sanitation, Culture and Art, Communication and Transportation, Architecture Industry Modernization, Social Construction, Rural Construction, Investment and Financing, Urban and Rural Tourism, Commercial Real Estate, Information Transmission, International Exchange. It aims at building numerous fields including strategic research, industrial research, urban planning, architectural design and community building, and building consistent type of interactive platform with Think Tank services.

  At the very beginning of its establishment, CIUDSRC launched the China Urban Development Strategy Research Project and started research projects like the  Investigation Report on China Urbanization Rate, urbanization typical case studies and the China Urbanization Quality Evaluation System, which have strengthened the working connection and exchanges between government departments and urbanization related industries and provided a policy basis and reference for decision-making for national authorities.

  Released in 2008, the Investigation Report on China's Urbanization Rate has systematically studied the urban development process and changing rule of urban development since the foundation of China. And it was the first time to issue urbanization rate by means of analyzing the proportion that China's non-agricultural population accounted for the total population. And a blank field has been filled in China's urbanization research system. By the data analysis of China's urbanization rate from 2006 to 2009, CIUDSRC first proposed problems like that semi-urbanization phenomenon was serious, urbanization seriously lagged behind industrialization, land urbanization developed faster than population urbanization. Then setting 2012 as an example, China's resident population urbanization rate reached 52.57 %, while household population urbanization rate was only 35.33 %. Although about 232 million people living in cities and towns are counted into the urban population, their identities, social security and other aspects were outside the city. I guess that by the end of 2015, this figure would reach  250 million.

  For eight years, CIUDSRC has been consistently adhering to the principle of being identity independent, value neutral, research professional, and decision-making scientific, the conduct of “China's urbanization will benefit all human beings, the mission of providing Think Tank support for China's urbanization , fully realizing the goal of creating the organization together, sharing resources together, progressing career together and sharing the benefits together.

  From China urbanization Forum with the characteristics of being nonprofit, civilized, constructive and open, to China Urbanization International Summit in China's urbanization major high-end events; from social public beneficial activities like awards to China urbanization case study, contributors, influential institutes and excellent representatives of migrant-workers, to the strategic cooperation with CDI (China·Shenzhen), the opening up of Huai'an China Urbanization Historical Gallery and the nameplate unveiling ceremony of Small-town Dezhou Research Center... All these have demonstrated that CIUDSRC is becoming stronger. And the Urbanization magazine and Urbanization.com are two media network platforms, laying a good foundation for the exchange of domestic and foreign urbanization theories and practical experience. The 18th  National Congress of the CPC has clearly stated that urbanization is a historical task of China's modernization, where the greatest potential to expand domestic demands lies, and it is also the important task to promote urbanization of agricultural population transfer. Therefore, it is clear that urbanization has become a national strategy concerned people's welfare. And CIUDSRC, devoted to building China's urbanization Think Tank, will play its due role in history.

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