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Q4:The vision for Tanhualin
时间:2014-12-12 11:28:18  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 

  Shuiguohu Neighborhood Committee: Today’s seminar has helped us to see the real value of Tanhualin, which is quite different from the current reality.How do we lead our local residents together with the government to revitalize this neighborhood is our first imperative.I would like to ask Mr Nicolai Peiter that what the vision for Tanhualin is ? What should we do to realize this vision?

  Nicolai Peitersen: To build a co-vision for the revitalization of Tanhualin is of great importance.I strongly believe that all the stakeholders including the local residents should be involved in this revitalization,everyone should have a say in this matter.We should hear more voice internally rather than externally, jointly discussing the essence of Tanhualin with the experts and local residents,so to find out the real vision for Tanhualin.

  To build the co-vision calls for the establishment of brand strategy.Therefore we should come to a consensus to foster a value that contributes to the future development to Tanhualin. At the same time it helps to attract more enterprises and investors bringing value and benefit in terms of economic,social and cultural development.

  We shall bring in all stakeholders, a think tank and government officials into further discussion for the practical strategies and plans  to put our theories into practice and finally reach the destination.

  How to bring a vision into reality? I will give an example of a small town of Sweden. About 20 years ago,the local government has set a vision to build their town as the cleanest,flexible and most dynamic town in the whole world. Each year they brought in experts,think tanks and government officials for discussion about practical strategy of each year.Finally they made their vision come true.

  Youyun Zhang: Besides consulting with the local residents for their opinions we should also bring in the social enterprises with social responsibility into discussion.The enterprises are not supposed to simply move in to Tanhualin but also support the revitalization of it,thus to build a strategic partnership of the revitalization of Tanhualin with participation from all social circles.

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